Kyoung Update: New York


Santa this year is having a horrible time making his gifts; he’s let Bush know the economy is going down the drain, but for 2004, cost effective gifts has been his mantra. So, here is this year’s gift: a poem.


It was once believed
(under the Ptolemaic system)
that the cosmos rotated around the Earth.

During the 15th century,
(one of great geographical discoveries)
people thought the world was flat.

At the turn of the millennium,
we thought the world reached Apocalypse.
As we now know,
none of these truths
were really true.

Yet in our holiday cheer,
we now seem to believe
that this year is coming to an end
and we are preparing ourselves
for a new cycle around the sun.

In such uncertain state
of cosmic transition,
where we are forced to
reframe what was certain and
reinterpret what was true,
I write to share with you
some thoughts.

The purpose of this poem
is not to answer
such perpetual riddles of existence,
but to provide a few,
key points
on how we might best celebrate
cosmic perplexity.

(After all, 2004
has been a year of great revelation,
for better or for worse!)

First, from very afar,
picture the Earth
in the giant universe

Now zoom quickly
towards where you are,
standing, sitting,

And when your person
connects to these words,
pull back once again.
Zoom quickly back
towards the giant universe

And know that the Earth is still there.
Now return back to these words,
ask yourself what they mean and swiftly:

Pull back to where you are,
now thinking,

And know you are still here.
As these words find you
in this Earth with me
I feel giddy with happiness
and seldom alone.

Today, I celebrate for our being,
I cheer our failures and our success.
I admire what we’ve bridged together.

I am excited by the work which remains.
May cosmic perplexity be addressed
as a great reason for us
to embrace.

Fight harder!
Love tighter!
(And may certain questions
always remain unknown!)

Let your life
in the past
and future
be like music:
whether in harmony
or disharmony,
sharp or flat,
be beautiful
a great composition,
thrilling and upsetting
and fill your heart
with tears of
joy and sorrow
and let us rejoice
for being here.

Let the stars
tango in the sky!
Let the Earth
in all its jazz,
makes us feel
like we’re spinning!

And let us work,
today and tomorrow
to celebrate in peace
such cosmic perplexity.

With much love,
and solidarity,


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