Kyoung Update: Suwon

Hello friends,

Big Love @ Kyung Hee University

I’m directing a student production of Charles Mee’s “Big Love” at Kyung Hee University, Suwon campus!

We’re having two workshop performances next week, July 9th and 10th at 6 PM at Kyung Hee University/Suwon Campus’ Global Theatre (of the Global Building). Tickets are free, so if you’d like to come see it, please let me know! Also, feel free to bring your friends!

About the play
Big Love
, by Charles Mee, tells the story of 50 brides that flee their fifty grooms and seek shelter in Italy. The grooms find the brides and force them to marry. Unable to escape, 49 of the brides kill 49 of the grooms, and one couple falls in love. A comedy.

This student workshop production of “Big Love” will run for two nights, before having a full-production in September 2008. Performances are on June 9th and 10th, at 6 PM. The play’s directed by Kyoung H. Park and the performances will be in English.

Please come see it!

Big Love,


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